Streamline Your Best Practice With Our Clinical Decision Support Platform

Focus on patient care with customizable Bayesian-guided dosing and meet requirements in care, compliance, and cost
interact with our key features here
PrecisePK's Patient Info includes patient's name, sex, weight and height; Lab result like serum creatinine value is also part of the Priori consideration for Bayesian dosing calculations. For each drug, clinical pharmacists can enter the route of dosing along with selecting extra drug factors and indicate if amputation is applicable to the patient. All of patient's info aids the software to return instant personalized dosing recommendations. Literature-based population models are automatically selected based on patient info and the parameters are changeable based on pharmacists' clinical judgement.
Auto-Selection of Best Fit Models:
Based on the patient's profile, the model that best fits the patient’s characteristics will be auto-selected and the associated PK parameters will be shown.
User Control and Moderation:
Explore different models and choose the one that best suits your case. Freely edit calculated PK parameters based on your clinical knowledge of the patient.
Unique Patient Profiles
Input details, past labs results and unique patient characteristics to create a patient’s individualized profile.
Auto-Selection of Best Fit Models
Based on the patient's profile, the model that best fits the patient’s characteristics will be auto-selected and the associated PK parameters will be shown.
User Control and Moderation
Explore different models and choose the one that best suits your case. Freely edit calculated PK parameters based on your clinical knowledge of the patient.
Individualized Dosage Recommendations:
Choose desired therapeutic treatment target and receive efficient and practical dose recommendations within a few clicks.
Continuous AUC Monitoring:
Auto-update next dosage date and time based on chosen intervals. Set a regimen by adding multiple doses at once and keep the model informed with patient data and receive individualized recommendations.
Interactive Graph:
Serum level graph allows you to hover over for detailed measurements at any point, zoom in on certan time periods, click and drag to measure AUC and toggle specific indicators on/off.
Individualized Dosage Recommendations:
Choose desired therapeutic treatment target and receive efficient and practical dose recommendations within a few clicks.
Continuous AUC Monitoring
Auto-update next dosage date and time based on chosen intervals. Set a regimen by adding multiple doses at once and keep the model informed with patient data and receive individualized recommendations.
Interactive Graph
Serum level graph allows you to hover over for detailed measurements at any point, zoom in on certan time periods, click and drag to measure AUC and toggle specific indicators on/off.
Customizable Nomogram:
Explore flexible regimen options that fit your patient's needs and achieve therapeutic targets.
Target Evaluation:
Project overall drug exposure results and compare individual and population models. Receive toxicity warning alerts when one or more parameters are outside the recommended range.
Customizable Nomogram
Explore flexible regimen options that fit your patient's needs and achieve therapeutic targets.
Target Evaluation
Project overall drug exposure results and compare individual and population models. Receive toxicity warning alerts when one or more parameters are outside the recommended range.
Interactive Graph
Serum level graph allows you to hover over for detailed measurements at any point, zoom in on certan time periods, click and drag to measure AUC and toggle specific indicators on/off.

Do More with PrecisePK's Bayesian-Guided AUC Dosing.

Transition from Trough-Based Dosing to AUC-Based Targets with Vancomycin Drug Monitoring
Fully compliant with the IDSA/ASHP Vancomycin 2020 guidelines, PrecisePK computes drug recommendations based on your therapeutic target (e.g. AUC, peak, trough). Have confidence in the calculations as they are personalized to your patient’s individual PK parameters.
Changeover from In-House Excel Sheets, One-Compartment Online Calculators, and Other Traditional Dosing Techniques
Forget the cluttered, dated and disorganized ways of dosing and instead streamline your everyday workflow with PrecisePK’s user-friendly interface. Save patient cases, build upon existing dosage history, and share patient history with colleagues for easy hand-off and improved coordination of care.
The most appropriate Population Pharmacokinetics Model is selected by our system to best fit your patient characteristics. We offer the ability to insert your own local population model to customize dosing to your specific population
Individualized Dosing for Special Populations and Narrow Therapeutic Conditions
In PrecisePK, all populations are aligned according to the IDSA/ASHP 2020 Vancomycin guidelines, which include:
  • Critically Ill
  • Obesity
  • Pediatric
  • Neonatal
  • Dialysis
  • Adult
Have PrecisePK automatically select the model that best fits your patient, or manually select the model appropriate for your patient.
Instantaneous Results with One Randomly Drawn Serum Drug Level
Input your lab results (e.g. Scr, CrCl, drug level) and receive on-the-spot dosing recommendations. No need to wait until steady state or at trough to draw the blood level. Achieve therapeutic steady states faster and safer with PrecisePK, giving you more time back and saving your pharmacy budget for other resources!
Our machine learning adapts the Vancomycin Bayesian Prior model model to fit to each individual patient for precise dosing regimens and recommendations
Our Serum Concentration Model predicts peak, trough, and AUC of Vancomycin and other drugs to prevent adverse side effects and toxicity such as AKI
Minimize Rate of Toxicity with a Comprehensive Alert System
Receive toxicity warnings, alternative dosing regimens and drug exposure predictions to provide safer drug therapy. Alerts such as when AUC is outside of recommended range or if your patient is reaching potential ototoxicity state can be used to adjust your dosing practice.
Personalize PrecisePK to Your Current Protocol
Plan ahead effectively by viewing serum levels and drug exposure predictions based on specified dosing regimens. Quickly receive toxicity warnings and evaluate how to help your patients reach therapeutic targets.
Our Serum Concentration Model predicts peak, trough, and AUC of Vancomycin and other drugs to prevent adverse side effects and toxicity such as AKI
Our Serum Concentration Model predicts peak, trough, and AUC of Vancomycin and other drugs to prevent adverse side effects and toxicity such as AKI
Audit & Analyze Data from Your Clinical Decisions, Patient Population, and AKI Status
PrecisePK assists with your institution’s yearly audit by analyzing patient population’s therapeutic statuses, dosing strategies, and AKI incidences. Retroactively compare against past data to confirm your hospital’s dosing practices and track the progress of your patient population.
Our Ever-growing Drug Models are Always Up to Date
PrecisePK’s in-house pharmacists research and compile evidence-based, clinically-validated PK/PD literature to develop each drug model in our program.
Current Adult Drug Modules
Pediatric Model Available
Neonatal Model Available
Infectious Disease
Automimmune Disease
Valproic Acid
In Development

One Program, Many Applications. PrecisePK is Designed for More Than Just One Setting.

  • Clinical
    PrecisePK’s software is most commonly used in clinical settings such as hospitals and pharmacies to ensure accurate dosing for patients being treated all over the world.
  • Research
    Our program partakes in research and contribute to findings in cutting edge pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic, and pharmacogenomic research.
  • Educational
    In educational settings, our precision dosing software allows for visual learning of Bayesian TDM and creates a foundation for accurate and precise practice for students to apply in their career.
How Will PrecisePK 
Integrate Into My Workflow?
With 30+ years of clinical experience and continuous research and development, PrecisePK integrates seamlessly and securely into your everyday workflow. We ensure the highest degree of safety and standard of support to bring you an optimal clinical experience.
Unlimited 1-on-1 onboarding training sessions
Unlimited Technical & Clinical support
Effortless account and license management
Collaboration featuring a shared database across institutions
Encrypted database & Security protocols
EHR Integration enables streamlined patient care
Local Population Model developed based on your hospital’s patient population
Single Sign-On (SSO) Integration (e.g. OKTA, DUO, InCommon, SecureAuth)
High Service Level Agreement to ensure 99.9% uptime

Trusted by prestigious hospitals all over the world

Optimize your clinical experience and book a demo with us.