Maximize clinical efficiency by saving time and reducing workload for complex calculations.
With just a few clicks, clinical pharmacists can receive practical and individualized dosage recommendations.
Save lives by better reaching therapeutic targets faster and reducing toxicity incidences.
By tailoring dosage recommendations to individual patients and using our Prediction features, therapeutic targets can be reached more efficiently and safely.
Save on costs by preventing ADEs, avoiding malpractice claims and reducing extended hospital stays.
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring helps your institution cut back on a multitude of indirect costs.
Fully comply with industry standard guidelines, such as the 2020 ASHP/IDSA Vancomycin Guidelines.
Per the latest guidelines, AUC-based monitoring is preferred over trough-based monitoring as the most accurate and optimal way to manage vancomycin dosing. PrecisePK uses Bayesian principles to accurately and easily calculate AUC.